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The study noted a direct and linear relationship between higher acidic serum levels and the metabolic degradation of materials being consumed (diet). Uric acid in the serum was higher in the acidic group than in the alkaline group. From these observations, it is considered that uric acid may be re-absorbed more actively in acidic urine than in alkaline urine where it is much more actively excreted. The research paper surmises that alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed alkaline-prone food as effective for removing uric acid from the body. (Check here for details)

This conclusion is further supported by the findings from a research paper published in 1989. The paper stated that the solubility of uric acid increased with the rise in pH levels.

Under lab conditions, it was found that total dissolved urate (undissociated uric acid + urate anion) concentration did not change during a 7-day incubation in the pH range below 6.6. As much as 220 mg./dl. of uric acid could be dissolved for 24 hours at pH 7.0. But following seven-day incubation the total dissolved urate concentration decreased to 16 mg./dl.

The stability of NaU supersaturation depended not only on the concentration of sodium and urate anion but also on time and pH. When monopotassium urate crystals were incubated for seven days, the total dissolved urate concentration decreased according to NaU crystallization; the higher the pH, the more marked the decrease.

Well, the simple conclusion from both studies seems to indicate dietary intervention is the best choice in preventing conditions caused by uric acid build-up such as gout and joint pain. Most importantly, an alkaline diet is an effective way to go about preventing these types of disorders.

With our oft stress-filled schedules, what can busy urbanites do to relief joint pain or gout? Or adopt an alkaline diet quickly and effectively? Perhaps with a water ionizer that can turn out drinking alkaline water at various levels of pH will provide good relief… plus taking these 2 juice cocktails daily to add ‘healthy’ sweetness to your diet!

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